Photographing Paper Products...and a giveaway!

Product photography is surely a challenge, simply because each product you get to photograph throws you a new curve ball. Not only are the needs, brand and expectations of each client different, but each product needs to be styled its own way and many often have challenges. Much of your photography success will come with practice and more practice, but I wanted to give you just a couple of tips to help! Keep these in mind when you are shooting your paper items. You will know what works best for your brand, but in general, no matter what, your images should be:

  • 1)Purposeful (Why does your customer need to see this image?)
  • 2) In focus (Don't shoot too shallow)
  • 3)Correctly colored (Are your whites white?....other colors correctly lit?)
  • 4)Easily shareable/pinned (Do you have a Pin button, are they vertical?) 


Photographing Paper Products

 Shoot with variety

Consider having your introductory images (the one more likely to be pinned) be vertical, and the supporting images a mix of horizontal and vertical. In each image, focus on a different detail of your item.

For instance, if photographing invitations, show layers and paper details, invite with envelope, detail of extras (embellishments or ribbon), close up of font, etc....

Show it's use & colors

Going with the invitation example, a hand holding the invitation in the envelope/out of the envelope (envelope addressed or not address)

Years ago, for my paper pinwheels, I stuck them in an artificial cake. Get the client thinking about that item in their hands.

Coordinate your items with fun extras that coordinate both in function and color.

Photographing Paper Products


Consider your angles

Paper items are often 2-dimensional (flat), so the eye level and overhead angles are really great for product shots. If you ever shoot anything with dimension to it, try to shoot it being held, stood up (like the pinwheels), or propped up using the edge of a box, a dish, tray or maybe in a chair.

Style your shots according to your brand.

Photographing Paper products

Be YOU! Your customers are coming to your blog and your business because they love your style and what you can do with their vision. Your products shots should be your taste, and that is one detriment to using stock images.

If you can, style your own product shots, or hire someone like me who can take the time and has the equipment to do it for you specially.


Do you love stickers, paper and craft supplies as much as I do? 

Floral box, Photography

I am giving away this box with some crafting goodies in it, so just comment below to enter, and a name will be picked in the morning next Monday, December 28th! (US RESIDENTS ONLY PLEASE)

Share this post with friends who may also be interested!

Thank you



Do you have an interest in stylized product photography? Come to a workshop, or check out my ebook!